Members golfing for the first time in the 9-Hole league will establish their handicaps based on first night scores. To assist teams in calculating points won, the following chart will provide the handicaps. If you have any questions regarding these handicaps, contact your league chairman.

East 9 Score Handicap West 9 Score
34 -1 35
35 0 36
36 1 37
37 2 38
38 2 39
39 3 40
40 4 41
41 5 42
42 6 43
43 6 44
44 7 45
45 8 46
46 9 47
47 10 48
48 10 49
49 11 50
50+ 12


Maximum handicap for new members is 12 for the first three nights. After three 9-hole rounds, maximum handicap is adjusted to 16.